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This clay was almost black in color when I dug it out of the slack-water area by the bayou. This Carter Engraved variety Carter (Plaquemine/Mississippian ca. 1200-1350 CE) is made out of it.

The difference between this Carter Engraved & the Mound Place Incised I posted this week is that Carter is grog tempered, while Mound Place is shell tempered. #ceramics #archaeology

#History #vikings #archaeology

A Swedish man spotted a circular object lying near an area under construction. At first he assumed it was a tool, but then on closer inspection realised that it was much more important. He contacted a local archaeologist who ascertained that the artefact was actually over 1000 years old and had been an arm bracelet. Arm bracelets were worn by Vikings in order to denote wealth and status.

Archaeologists uncover Schmalkaldic War burials for the first time, matching details in a 1551 painting.

Archaeologists from the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (BLfD) have discovered five burials east of Lauingen, Germany, providing evidence regarding the Danube campaign of the Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547)...

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The famous 'Swiss sabre' in the Wallace Collection, London (object A489). Longswords fell out of use because longsword fencing was hard to analyze with the theory of the day, but until then there were experiments with giving them complex hilts like fashionable single-handed swords. wallacelive.wallacecollection. #sword #archaeology

Vier jaar lang bestudeerde Vicky Beckers houten plakjes onder de microscoop. Zo bracht ze de anatomie van 2 plantenfamilies in kaart. Haar onderzoek helpt om houtsoorten te herkennen. Dat is handig voor de houthandel én de archeologie.

For four years, Vicky Beckers examined slices of wood under a microscope, mapping the anatomy of 2 plant families. Her research helps identify different wood species, benefiting both the timber trade and archaeology.
#biology #archaeology

For #FindsFriday, we have some finds from the #cemetery of the #Elisabethinenspital in #Vienna. These were found during our 2019 #excavations on behalf of the #Franziskusspital. They are so-called #Breverl, paper pictures of #saints that were worn on the body, for example, in a #pendant made of metal and glass, to ward off #evil. The finds here date from the 18th century, but Breverl were widespread until the 20th century.

#Archaeology #Wien #Austria @archaeodons #HistoricalArchaeology

That was day 4 of the Kiel Conference 2025: sessions on current archaeological bachelor's and master's projects, human mobility, Neolithic seascapes, identities and social connections or architecture as a microuniverse of prehistoric societies, among others. This was followed in the evening by Katharina Rebay-Salisbury's inspiring keynote speech on ‘Sex, Gender and the Third Science Revolution’.
#KielScales25 #Archaeology #landscapearchaeology #Conference #Kiel #Pastsocieties #genderarchaeology