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Die offizielle Mastodon Instanz des Vereins Anoxinon e.V.


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We are going to update Codeberg to v7 within the next hour. This will involve a short downtime of about 10 minutes.

We apologize if this causes a disruption to your workflows today.

The migration might get delayed. We tried to run a migration experiment on a snapshot, but Ceph crashed. This happened before, but we thought it might be a coincidence. Looks like this is reproducible.

We'll try to bring the storage back up first.

The actual upgrade (and respective database migrations) are running now. The part looks smooth so far, we expect to return to service in about 5 minutes.

About two thirds are done. Hold the line.

We are now finally using Forgejo v7. We will try to introduce the most important new features in the next days to you.

Feel free to look around, and: It's bug reporting time! Read on … ↓

If you find a bug, please:

Try if you can reproduce the problem on If you know what lead to the issue, please file a bug report in

If you don't know what might have caused the problem, please get in touch with our team via the Matrix channels or report your problem to

Thank you!

FOR TESTING ONLY, ALL DATA CAN BE WIPED OUT AT ANY TIMEFOR TESTING ONLY, ALL DATA CAN BE WIPED OUT AT ANY TIMEForgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.